Thursday, July 31, 2008

the beginning.

So we're in the first little parts of getting the charity together. and we want to keep our friends updated on our progress.

Here's how this fiasco known as the Big Reach began.

I'm on a train ride in China. Somewhere between Chengdu and the Three River Gorge, a few days after that terrible earthquake. We got on the slowest train since 1827. It was terrible. No sleeper cars, only hard seats. Over crowded, hot and loud. I'm not wired correctly for sleeping in the sitting position, and hence didn't rest a wink. I don't know what i was thinking about, but all of the sudden i found myself writing a bunch of notes in my journal about how to get this project together to collect mosquito nets for malaria. i didn't know much about the disease or africa, so when i got home i did some research. Using my chinese, i got some quotes from chinese factories. So now, here i am in idaho, trying to help these people on the otherside of the world. a friend asked me to give her some advice about a npo she was working for, and while we were talking about that, i mentioned the idea.

bekah, with her trademark enthusiasm, took the idea and came up with tons of ideas i hadn't considered of how to start a charity. we decided together that we thought it'd be better to have a 501c3 (fancy talk for a Non-profit) that we could run all these different projects under. After days and days of brainstorming, we finalized on THE BIG REACH.

I talked to my friends who have tons of skills that i don't, and they were all willing to help Jordan started talking to doctors at Penn State about Malaria and its treatments. Dylan used his hawaiian/volcom/haole marketing skills to make us look better. My cousin (Kira) and her boyfriend (Rusty) are webdesigning the amazing Rachel is going to be the key to getting the funds that we need for all of this. And molly, shes the brains and legal connection that we need so bad. So you can see, we're all just using the skills we've built up to create a fuse together this force for good in the world.

Watch this blog. Its going to be the way to keep everyone posted and laughing about the ups and downs of the big reach, as well as get all the new news.

here we go!!!
